Categorías: Proyectos de Empresa

PEPRECO is a CAMPUS project financed by EITHealth and led by the University of Maastricht

This 9 month project has a very specific educational mission; to train a new professional called a Personalised Prevention Counsellor (PPC). This professional will be trained to acquire skills for the future such as communication and interpersonal skills, critical thinking, entrepreneurship and innovation. The training of the PPC will respond to a need for assisting clients undergoing preventive genetic testing (PGT). The PPC will help the consumer to interpret genetic data and disease risks and design behavioural change strategies for a healthier life and disease prevention.

Through co-creation sessions with both professionals and clients, personal interviews and questionnaires PEPRECO aims to design a tailor-made training programme to fit the specific needs of the future PPC. It is addressed to all those professionals interested in prevention through healthy life styles such as physiotherapists, genetic counsellors, nutritionists or health coaches.

IL3´s Role:

IL3 will be responsible for the hosting and configuration of moodle course for the pilot implementation and evaluation phase. IL3 will also be involved in the instructional design and graphic design of the course.


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